30th June, 2024   

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:Listed Securities/Issuers > Listed Securities

Listed Securities

Equity Securities

 Country  Issuer  Security  Trading
Barbados FirstCaribbean International Bank Ltd FCI Common Shares
Dominica Dominica Electricity Services Ltd DES Common Shares
Grenada Grenada Electricity Services Limited GESL Common Shares
  Grenreal Property Cooperation Ltd GPCl Common Shares
  Republic Bank (Grenada) Limited RBGL Common Shares
St. Kitts & Nevis Cable & Wireless St Kitts& Nevis Limited
CWKN Common Shares
The Bank of Nevis Ltd

BON Common Shares
St Kitts Nevis Anguilla Trading and Development Company Ltd TDC Common Shares
St. Kitts Nevis Anguilla National Bank Ltd SKNANB Common Shares
S. L. Horsford and Company Ltd SLH Common Shares
St. Lucia East Caribbean Financial Holding Co. Ltd (Holding Company for Bank of St. Lucia) ECFH Common Shares
St. Lucia Electricity Services Ltd SLES Common Shares
Trinidad Trinidad Cement Ltd TCL Common Shares

Debt Securities

 Country Issuer Security Description ISIN Trading Symbol
Antigua & Barbuda
St. Kitts & Nevis
St. Lucia
St. Vincent &
The Grenadines
Gov't of St Vincent and the Grenadines 10-yr EC$38M 7.50% Bond KN74083GAG49 VCG100422
Gov't of St Vincent and the Grenadines 10-yr EC$25.9M 7.00% Bond KN74083GAH22 VCG100323
Gov't of St Vincent and the Grenadines 7-yr EC$16.0M Bond KN74083GAI05 VCG070821
Gov't of St Vincent and the Grenadines 3-yr EC$35.0M Note - Private Placement KN74083NAJ13


Term Sheet

Gov't of St Vincent and the Grenadines 5-yr EC$15.2M Note - Private Placement KN74083NAC85


Term Sheet

Gov't of St Vincent and the Grenadines 10-year EC$0.3M 7.0% Bond - Private Placement KN74083NAE42 VCG100826
Term Sheet
Gov't of St Vincent and the Grenadines 10-year US$16.3M 7.0% Bond - Private Placement KN74083NAF17 FVG100826
Term Sheet
Gov't of St Vincent and the Grenadines 8-year EC$12.1M Bond KN74083NAI55 VCG080225
Gov't of St Vincent and the Grenadines 7-year EC$8.0M Bond KN74083NAG99 VCG070623
Gov't of St Vincent and the Grenadines 7-year EC$19.6M Bond KN74083NAH56 VCG070524
Gov't of St Vincent and the Grenadines 7-year EC$11.7M Bond KN74083NAK02 VCG0724AA
Gov't of St Vincent and the Grenadines 91-day EC$28.0M Treasury Bill KN74083BGX21 VCB160919
Gov't of St Vincent and the Grenadines 7-year EC$25.0M Bond KN74083NAL84 VCG070625
Gov't of St Vincent and the Grenadines 7-year EC$12.0M Bond KN74083NAN41 VCG070725
Gov't of St Vincent and the Grenadines 8-year EC$15.0M Bond KN74083NAO24 VCG081126
Gov't of St Vincent and the Grenadines 10-year US$8.1M Bond KN74083NAR54 FVG101228
Gov't of St Vincent and the Grenadines 7-year EC$13.0M Bond KN74083NAQ71 VCG0725AA
Gov't of St Vincent and the Grenadines 91-day EC$28.0M Treasury Bill KN74083BHH61 VCB171019
Gov't of St Vincent and the Grenadines 5-year EC$17.6M Note KN74083NAS38 VCN080524
Gov't of St Vincent and the Grenadines 10-year EC$10.0M Bond KN74083NAP98 VCG101128
Gov't of St Vincent and the Grenadines 91-day EC$28.0M Treasury Bill KN74083BHI45 VCB131119