ECSE News Report
Summary Trading Report for the week ending Friday, 13 October 2006
Eastern Caribbean Securities Market
This week on the Eastern Caribbean Securities Market, 33 shares of St Kitts Nevis Anguilla National Bank traded at $3.00 per share, holding firm on its previous market close. While 1,580 shares of S L Horsford & Company traded at $1.65, down five cents or 2.94% on its previous market close. S L Horsford & Company shares traded at a high of $1.70 to a low of $1.30 for the year thus far.
Regional Government Securities Market
There was activity in a number of government instruments. 150,000 units of the Government of St Lucia’s 7.4% $50M ten year treasury bonds and 25,000 units of the Government of Antigua & Barbuda’s 8.25% $30M five year treasury note traded at par.
The next auction of the Government of Antigua and Barbuda’s 91-day treasury bills will take place on Tuesday 24, October 2006. Bidding for this issue begins at 9:00 am and ends at 12:00 noon on the Eastern Caribbean Securities Exchange (ECSE) trading platform.
More information on these and other issues can be obtained at the ECSE’s website, or by contacting a broker dealer. |